Build third party Plugin for Construct 2

Games Engine yang satu ini memang sedang popular dikalangan pembuat games. Selain penggunaannya yang sederhana dan cepat, terutama cocok digunakan bagi Developer Games Pemula, yang masih harus belajar memahami skenario dan behavior ketika membuat Games.

Kemudahan dalam penggunaan Construct 2, juga didukung oleh SDK Javascript -nya yang memungkinkan kita menambahkan Plugin baru pada Project yang kita buat. Pada prinsipnya construct akan memanggil penggunaan Plugin hanya untuk yang telah kita deklarasikan pada runtime, dan proses pemanggilan ini terjadi pada awal aplikasi di running.

Langkah awal penggunaan Plugin Construct 2

Berikut ini beberapa link penting untuk dipelajari seputar penggunaan plugin dan pembuatan plugin pada Construct 2,

Untuk pembangunan plugin third party, bisa menggunakan template script yang telah disediakan disini :

Pada link download tersebut, Anda akan mendapatkan contoh template script untuk pembuatan Plugin, Behavior atau Effect pada penggunaan games Construct.

  • file common.js
  • file edittime.js
  • file runtime.js
  • file PluginIcon.ico

Untuk implementasi plugin tambahan, Anda cukup melakukan modifikasi pada ketiga file tersebut. Beriktu ini contoh template dari file edittime.js

function GetPluginSettings()
	return {
		"name":			"MyPlugin",				// as appears in 'insert object' dialog, can be changed as long as "id" stays the same
		"id":			"MyPlugin",				// this is used to identify this plugin and is saved to the project; never change it
		"version":		"1.0",					// (float in x.y format) Plugin version - C2 shows compatibility warnings based on this
		"description":	"<appears at the bottom of the insert object dialog>",
		"author":		"<your name/organisation>",
		"help url":		"<your website or a manual entry on>",
		"category":		"General",				// Prefer to re-use existing categories, but you can set anything here
		"type":			"world",				// either "world" (appears in layout and is drawn), else "object"
		"rotatable":	true,					// only used when "type" is "world".  Enables an angle property on the object.
		"flags":		0						// uncomment lines to enable flags...
					//	| pf_singleglobal		// exists project-wide, e.g. mouse, keyboard.  "type" must be "object".
					//	| pf_texture			// object has a single texture (e.g. tiled background)
					//	| pf_position_aces		// compare/set/get x, y...
					//	| pf_size_aces			// compare/set/get width, height...
					//	| pf_angle_aces			// compare/set/get angle (recommended that "rotatable" be set to true)
					//	| pf_appearance_aces	// compare/set/get visible, opacity...
					//	| pf_tiling				// adjusts image editor features to better suit tiled images (e.g. tiled background)
					//	| pf_animations			// enables the animations system.  See 'Sprite' for usage
					//	| pf_zorder_aces		// move to top, bottom, layer...
					//  | pf_nosize				// prevent resizing in the editor
					//	| pf_effects			// allow WebGL shader effects to be added
					//  | pf_predraw			// set for any plugin which draws and is not a sprite (i.e. does not simply draw
												// a single non-tiling image the size of the object) - required for effects to work properly

// Parameter types:
// AddNumberParam(label, description [, initial_string = "0"])			// a number
// AddStringParam(label, description [, initial_string = "\"\""])		// a string
// AddAnyTypeParam(label, description [, initial_string = "0"])			// accepts either a number or string
// AddCmpParam(label, description)										// combo with equal, not equal, less, etc.
// AddComboParamOption(text)											// (repeat before "AddComboParam" to add combo items)
// AddComboParam(label, description [, initial_selection = 0])			// a dropdown list parameter
// AddObjectParam(label, description)									// a button to click and pick an object type
// AddLayerParam(label, description)									// accepts either a layer number or name (string)
// AddLayoutParam(label, description)									// a dropdown list with all project layouts
// AddKeybParam(label, description)										// a button to click and press a key (returns a VK)
// AddAnimationParam(label, description)								// a string intended to specify an animation name
// AddAudioFileParam(label, description)								// a dropdown list with all imported project audio files

// Conditions

// AddCondition(id,					// any positive integer to uniquely identify this condition
//				flags,				// (see docs) cf_none, cf_trigger, cf_fake_trigger, cf_static, cf_not_invertible,
//									// cf_deprecated, cf_incompatible_with_triggers, cf_looping
//				list_name,			// appears in event wizard list
//				category,			// category in event wizard list
//				display_str,		// as appears in event sheet - use {0}, {1} for parameters and also <b></b>, <i></i>
//				description,		// appears in event wizard dialog when selected
//				script_name);		// corresponding runtime function name
// example				
AddNumberParam("Number", "Enter a number to test if positive.");
AddCondition(0, cf_none, "Is number positive", "My category", "{0} is positive", "Description for my condition!", "MyCondition");

// Actions

// AddAction(id,				// any positive integer to uniquely identify this action
//			 flags,				// (see docs) af_none, af_deprecated
//			 list_name,			// appears in event wizard list
//			 category,			// category in event wizard list
//			 display_str,		// as appears in event sheet - use {0}, {1} for parameters and also <b></b>, <i></i>
//			 description,		// appears in event wizard dialog when selected
//			 script_name);		// corresponding runtime function name

// example
AddStringParam("Message", "Enter a string to alert.");
AddAction(0, af_none, "Alert", "My category", "Alert {0}", "Description for my action!", "MyAction");

// Expressions

// AddExpression(id,			// any positive integer to uniquely identify this expression
//				 flags,			// (see docs) ef_none, ef_deprecated, ef_return_number, ef_return_string,
//								// ef_return_any, ef_variadic_parameters (one return flag must be specified)
//				 list_name,		// currently ignored, but set as if appeared in event wizard
//				 category,		// category in expressions panel
//				 exp_name,		// the expression name after the dot, e.g. "foo" for "" - also the runtime function name
//				 description);	// description in expressions panel

// example
AddExpression(0, ef_return_number, "Leet expression", "My category", "MyExpression", "Return the number 1337.");


// Array of property grid properties for this plugin
// new cr.Property(ept_integer,		name,	initial_value,	description)		// an integer value
// new cr.Property(ept_float,		name,	initial_value,	description)		// a float value
// new cr.Property(ept_text,		name,	initial_value,	description)		// a string
// new cr.Property(ept_color,		name,	initial_value,	description)		// a color dropdown
// new cr.Property(ept_font,		name,	"Arial,-16", 	description)		// a font with the given face name and size
// new cr.Property(ept_combo,		name,	"Item 1",		description, "Item 1|Item 2|Item 3")	// a dropdown list (initial_value is string of initially selected item)
// new cr.Property(ept_link,		name,	link_text,		description, "firstonly")		// has no associated value; simply calls "OnPropertyChanged" on click

var property_list = [
	new cr.Property(ept_integer, 	"My property",		77,		"An example property.")
// Called by IDE when a new object type is to be created
function CreateIDEObjectType()
	return new IDEObjectType();

// Class representing an object type in the IDE
function IDEObjectType()
	assert2(this instanceof arguments.callee, "Constructor called as a function");

// Called by IDE when a new object instance of this type is to be created
IDEObjectType.prototype.CreateInstance = function(instance)
	return new IDEInstance(instance);

// Class representing an individual instance of an object in the IDE
function IDEInstance(instance, type)
	assert2(this instanceof arguments.callee, "Constructor called as a function");
	// Save the constructor parameters
	this.instance = instance;
	this.type = type;
	// Set the default property values from the property table = {};
	for (var i = 0; i < property_list.length; i++)[property_list[i].name] = property_list[i].initial_value;
	// Plugin-specific variables
	// this.myValue = 0...

// Called when inserted via Insert Object Dialog for the first time
IDEInstance.prototype.OnInserted = function()

// Called when double clicked in layout
IDEInstance.prototype.OnDoubleClicked = function()

// Called after a property has been changed in the properties bar
IDEInstance.prototype.OnPropertyChanged = function(property_name)

// For rendered objects to load fonts or textures
IDEInstance.prototype.OnRendererInit = function(renderer)

// Called to draw self in the editor if a layout object
IDEInstance.prototype.Draw = function(renderer)

// For rendered objects to release fonts or textures
IDEInstance.prototype.OnRendererReleased = function(renderer)








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